Award Recommendation Instructions 1. Each award is given for certain things. Read the description of the award you are recommending and recommend accordingly. 2. When recommending an award you must.
3. Falsification of an award recommendation.
Other information Awards and promotions shall be presented formally during a scheduled event. Awards will not be given out with less than 2 witnesses. The goal of our awards system is to reward our members and allies for doing good things. The list of things for which an award can be given is extremely large and will not be posted as it is constantly changing and incomplete. Although some awards which can be given out are strictly for clan members there are others that can be awarded to individuals and other Clans who perform good deeds and help us. If you have any questions about the awards you may ask [USA]Gen. Apache to explain the award to you or you can look on the web at the military awards sites available. There are multiple sites around the net which have an explanation of most of the awards. These awards are derived from those with minor modifications to the reasons for giving them out. There are more awards available than we are using currently. This is because we at this time haven't found a reason to use some of them that would make them any more useful than what we have or the award didn't fit into our common theme. Thank you for your interest in our clan and how we work. If you would like to look at the awards we currently use each one is listed in the frame on the left by precedence from top to bottom of the list.